We would like to thank the following, along with the many others who have helped us along the way!

Jim Holt of Agitprop for working with us on our logo.
Alex Whitcroft and KIN who have been working with us as our Development Manager.
Cohousing London from who we have learnt so much.
Wayshaper the decision-making toolkit for community led housing groups.
Anders Lorenzen and Kirstie Wielandt for all the technical support to help us get our website up and running.
Aviation Purchasing & Supply for hosting our website.
Holy Trinity Church Wealdstone who allow us to hold meetings in their lovely Church Centre
North Harrow Community Library who allowed us to host our first community engagement event
LILAC cohousing community for inspiring us.

Community-led Housing Hub (London)
UK Cohousing Network
Community Land Trust Network